~from the Good Earth to your table~

Exceptional Certified Organic Vegetables, Herbs, Heirloom Flowers, Garlic, Jams & Jellies

Sunday, June 28, 2009

If you aren't following Mark Bittman in the NY Times, you are missing some seriously good food info.

Published: June 24, 2009
If your pantry is stocked with staples, you can cook for a week with just 10 ingredients.
From the NY Times:
Published: June 26, 2009
A vegetable pie is a creative way to serve up your favorite produce.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

I built this handsome salad the other day with ingredients from Harvest Home: lettuce, kholrabi, raw peas, dried currants (Greenstar), Susie's Curried Seitan (Greenstar), dill, pine nut vinaigrette dressing (homemade with HH parsley).

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Delivery week #2: lettuce, chard, peas, kohlrabi, parley, dill, beets...hmmm, what am I forgetting? Rose is lamenting that the broccoli is taking its own sweet time and that the spinach has had a rough time and will not make it for an early harvest. I weeded in the peppers for a bit and I must say the dark purple blossoms are gorgeous. Rose has a new restaurant account in Auburn - Bistro One. I just happened to be eating there on Tuesday with my mother-in-law and sister-in-laws and it was fab. Luke will do wondrous things with the fresh produce from HHO, of that I am certain. I flew into Pumpkin Hill Bistro with some rhubarb, beets, kholrabi and chard...right at the peak of lunch time...they were hopping...sorry about the bad timing. -Jackie

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Yesterday was the first delivery day of the season: rhubarb, lettuce, parsley, tarragon, radishes, kohlrabi, peonies. It was a nice start. I rushed right home with my share and made a couple kohlrabi sandwiches...yum! Don't let me hear any complaining about my versatile, good-looking friend Kohlrabi! -Jackie

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Pretty young basil...I can smell them from here!
Rose checks the progress of a young start under the protective row cover. Looking good!